Getting ready for winter

The late summer sun might be beating down on us now, but it’s never too hot nor too early for the folks at Wood4Good to be hard at work preparing to deliver free firewood to Vermont families in need in time for the cold of winter.  In fact, things are heating up at the woodlot!

Local companies in the Burlington area have been doing their part to help the Wood4Good cause.  For example, Got That Rentals in Essex has generously continued their support of our cause, let us rent for free not only Log Splitters but an excavator that will help us  process and load wood for families.  This will enable Wood4Good to store and season more wood and distribute more.

In addition Barrett’s Tree Service, Teachers Tree Service and Heritage Tree care have all brought us additional loads of  free wood.  We have exceeded our goal of 50 cords of wood, we now estimate about 65 cords of wood that we will distribute this winter

Not to be outdone, North Star Leasing of Burlington will be participating in Splitting Day soon in which their employees will put in their own time to help split logs in preparation for seasoning  and distribution for winter 2022.

Please support the businesses that give to our cause!

Finally, thanks to the generous support of donors like you, Wood4Good was able to acquire a tractor and hitch to aid our team in moving heavy equipment around the woodlot.  No more making Logan and Devin drag the equipment around with people power. 

Remember, Wood4Good is nothing without the ongoing support of donors (and corporate sponsors) like you.  Please continue to consider Wood4Good in your charitable giving plans and, as always, spread the Wood4Good word!

Here is our Go Fund me page,

or mail us a check.

Wood4Good, LTD


Eric Axelrod

14 Buttercup Lane

Jericho, VT 05465

Remember we are a 501(c)3 now so your donations are tax-deductible.

Eric, Devin, Logan and the Wood4Good team

PS Please share with your friends what we are doing, we need your help spreading the word.

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